EHRs keep patients and doctors connected


When it comes to electronic health records, there has been so much said by government officials, industry experts and healthcare professionals it can be tough for doctors to know exactly how this technology can benefit them and their patients.

These days it’s becoming increasingly common for patients to ask for access to their health records. Doctors who have adopted EHR systems with patient portals can easily share records with patients online, so people can gain a greater understanding of their treatment history, their progress and have a clear record of all medications they’re on to give to other providers.

This isn’t just something patients want – it’s something they’re demanding. A survey by research and consulting firm Accenture found that 41 percent of patients would consider switching providers if it meant they could have online access to their medical records. Something to think about if your practice has yet to make the switch.

Contact us today to learn more about how EHRs can streamline your practice.