Small practices must balance meaningful use and IT concerns
In recent months, it seems that health care organizations have had no shortage of concerns regarding business methods.

CMS disburses almost $23 billion in meaningful use incentives
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services' meaningful use program has been criticized heavily in recent months for the amount of extra work it has placed onto the shoulders of medical practices across the country.

CMS clarifies requirements for meaningful use hardship exemption
Physicians and federal agencies alike hope that the meaningful use incentives program will eventually produce sweeping benefits for the health care industry through the use of electronic health records systems.

Stage 2 requirements should be approached holistically
Now that stage 2 of meaningful use is well under way, some health care professionals are wondering how they can optimize their response to the next phase of the industry-wide transition to electronic health records.

With CMIOs, physicians can put focus back on patient
The health care industry's focus during this year's Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society conference may have fallen on the battle over meaningful use and ICD-10 between the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and various groups, such as the American Medical Association and American Hospital Association.

CMS pledges more flexibility for meaningful use requirements
Health care organizations have long been clamoring against the burden that meaningful use attestation has placed on their workflows.

48 providers ask HHS for an extension on meaningful use deadlines
Health care professionals had a relatively easy time purchasing and implementing electronic health records software through stage 1 of meaningful use, but as the deadlines for stage 2 requirements approach in July, some organizations are losing confidence that they will be able to meet those criteria.

Stage 2 requirements should be approached holistically
Now that stage 2 of meaningful use is well under way, some health care professionals are wondering how they can optimize their response to the next phase of the industry-wide transition to electronic health records.

CMS agrees on end-to-end testing for ICD-10
It was not an easy fight for vocal opponents of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services' testing program for ICD-10, but after several highly publicized letters and charged criticism, the CMS has given way and agreed to exhaustive end-to-end testing of their and providers' systems for the new medical billing processes.

Providers should prepare for transitions of care measure
As providers begin working toward meeting stage 2 requirements of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services' meaningful use incentives program, there has been a lot of discussion surrounding possible factors that could keep health care professionals from being successful.

Debate over stage 2 meaningful use deadline continues in Washington, D.C.
Health information technology has become the hottest trend in healthcare reform in recent years.

Ups and downs for Pioneer ACO program
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has aimed to revolutionize the U.S. healthcare system in order to minimize the cost of care and improve the quality of medical services.

Officials debate the future of mHealth regulation and implementation
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act may have made health information technology a priority, but not all forms of HIT are getting equal consideration under the healthcare reform law.

Robert Wood Johnson report identifies areas for HIT improvement
The American healthcare industry is undergoing a massive transformation as a result of the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

Washington Republicans push for delay of individual mandate law
President Barack Obama's landmark healthcare reform bill, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, has been experiencing some bumps in the road in recent weeks.

White House announces ACA employer mandate delays
While there have been debates on many healthcare reform issues stemming from the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, one of the central issues affecting government officials, medical professionals, insurance representatives and payers has been implementation scheduling.

Mobile health technology on the rise in the U.S.
When the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was passed in 2010, it paved the way for a technological revolution that is currently transforming the U.S. healthcare system.