MU modifications receive support from AMA
The CMS released new proposed meaningful use standards last month, giving members of the health care sector until June 15 to assess the modifications and submit comments.

CMS announces new opportunity to apply for hardship exemption
The CMS announced that Medicare-eligible providers have another chance to file for hardship exemption by July 1 to avoid payment penalties beginning on Jan. 1, 2016.

CMS report: Majority of hospitals meet MU requirements
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has released a report that shows the number of hospitals participating in meaningful use programs is higher than it has ever been.

AHIMA shows support for stage 3 MU ruling
Although the responses to the new MU ruling have been both positive and negative, the American Health Information Management Association has reported satisfaction with the proposed objectives.

Major health care organizations respond to stage 3 MU ruling
The proposed stage 3 meaningful use standards issued by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services have been opened for public comment and have received a sea of feedback from organizations throughout the health care industry.

CMS releases proposed stage 3 MU ruling
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services recently published a list of potential rules and requirements for the upcoming stage 3 meaningful use regulations.

IOM makes new suggestion for stage 3 MU
The IOM urged the government to include behavioral health data and patient socioeconomic status in the new regulations.

CMS reminds EPs of MU Public Health Objectives deadline
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services recently sent out a reminder to eligible professionals striving to adhere to the stage 2 meaningful use requirements in 2015.

Black Book gives insight into future HIE spending and expansion
The recent Black Book HIE survey highlighted how a shift from volume to value has pushed physicians to start investing in HIEs differently.

AAFP highlights concerns for ONC interoperability plan [Video Blog]
TranscriptHi everyone! Welcome back!After the release of the…

CMS releases new payment updates for MU penalties
The latest financial figures for meaningful use penalties and incentives were released by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services at the recent meeting of the Health IT Policy Committee.

President’s 2016 budget request has meaningful use in its sights
The Department of Health & Human Services has issued its proposed budget for the fiscal year 2016.

CAHs show difficulty with MU attestation
Over the years, electronic health records have proven their success to both health care providers and their patients.

CMS announces new rulemaking that may lead to reduced MU requirements
In a recent post by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, a new rule was announced that may ultimately lead to eased meaningful use requirements this year.

Participation in the 2015 incentive program expected to fall [Video]
TranscriptHi everyone! Thanks for stopping by!A recent report…

Majority of EHR investors not looking to take part in 2015 incentive program
A recent report from SERMO and Medical Practice Insider showed the results of a survey given to 2,000 physicians asking if they intended to attest for stage 2 meaningful use in 2015.

Meaningful use attestation update: The facts and figures
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has recently released a new update on the percentage of eligible hospitals that have had success at stage 2 meaningful use attestation.

AMA reports top 10 challenges physicians may face this year
The American Medical Association recently released its list of the top 10 potential issues providers are likely to face as they take on a new year of health IT changes and updates.