What is meaningful use and what does it mean for your practice?
Meaningful use has expanded greatly over the past five years.

Proposed changes for meaningful use
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced proposed meaningful use changes this week.

Providers, lawmakers press the CMS for 90-day reporting period
A group of providers and organizations, and now lawmakers, have pushed the CMS for a shortened reporting period for meaningful use.

CMS launches transition to value-based care models
As the healthcare industry proceeds to evolve, the industry has begun to move way from traditional models of reimbursement and instead, turn toward value-based care initiatives.

5 apps that promote better health
New smartphone apps may be used to keep individuals healthy, which in turn can promote better outcomes overall.

CMS announces complete restructuring of meaningful use
Andy Slavitt, acting administrator for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, recently announced that the CMS will be restructuring the MU program.

EHR market remains strong, enhances focus on patients
The market for electronic health records is expected to remain strong and enhance its focus toward the patient experience.

2015 health system scorecard finds more states improved than worsened
The 2015 Commonwealth Fund Scorecard on State Health System Performance tracked the performance measures of health care systems across all 50 states, as well as the District of Columbia.

Will there be an end to MU’s pass/fail system?
The CHIME has suggested that the CMS eliminates the pass/fail system altogether for the success of the new payment plan.

CMS clarifies new rules for stage 2 modifications and final stage 3 objectives
The CMS held a conference call moderated by CMS's Senior Technical Advisor Elizabeth Holland where officials reviewed the details of the updated stage 2 MU rules and the new stage 3 rulings.

CMS makes official modifications to meaningful use
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has officially modified meaningful use requirements.

Will there be a delay to stage 3 MU deadline?
The Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions is now among one of the many organizations asking for a delay of the new rules to make sure they are up to par.

Congress considers new bill to modify MU requirements for ambulatory surgical settings
A bill that would push modifications to meaningful use requirements for ambulatory surgery centers was recently passed by the Senate and is waiting on a vote by the House of Representatives.

Leading organizations back potential EHR Incentive Program revisions
The Further Flexibility in HIT Reporting and Advancing Interoperability Act has recently been introduced as a way to make the EHR Incentive Programs easier to adhere to for providers.

ONC announces additions to its Health IT Certification Program
To ensure that EHR systems are as effective as they can be, the proper testing and certification of health IT is crucial to keeping adoption rates high and enhancing patient care across the health care continuum.

Using health IT to meet MU requirements enhances care
A recent study found that the meaningful use objectives enhance care for diabetes patients.

Congress proposes changes to MU standards as they enter final stage
As the meaningful use standards enter into their final stage, the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions is researching ways to push the rules in the right direction.

Study shows importance of adhering to MU requirements
A recent study showed that for EHR systems to fully improve patient care and outcomes, doctors and their staff must be committed to meeting the meaningful use standards.