5 features to look for in an EHR system
In addition to enhancing aspects like productivity and practice workflows, EHR systems are vital to keeping up with the changes that are taking place throughout the health care industry.

Public comments show importance of security during push for interoperability
Everyone from medical providers to federal agency officials has started to discuss how health information exchange could benefit the entire health care industry.

Industry experts suggest solutions for data blocking
Along with the approaching ICD-10 deadline, interoperability is currently a major topic within the health care industry.

New report shows EHR market is thriving
Thanks to the increasing number of health professionals interested in using their EHR systems to adhere to meaningful use standards, the EHR market is currently thriving.

EHR interoperability and HIE remain major focus for health care sector
One of the long-tern goals the health care industry has been working toward in enhanced interoperability for electronic health records and other health IT adopted by health providers.

Study finds EHR coverage data improves continued patient care
EHR systems may improve continued patient care through the ability to track how and when consumers have obtained health care services.

HIMSS makes suggestions for ONC’s 2015 Interoperability Standards Advisory
In response to the ONC's Standards Advisory, the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society announced that officials from the organization had sent a letter to Karen DeSalvo with comments.

Survey shows nurses feel EHRs enhance patient care
Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society Analytics recently conducted a survey of nurses to determine the overall success of EHR systems across the health care sector.

Senate works toward improving EHR adoption
Although electronic health record adoption has soared over the past few years, many health experts have noted that there are still problems with poor-quality EHR systems and vendors.

ONC announces new challenge program
The ONC has announced a new challenge initiative called the Market Research and Development Pilot Challenge.

Health IT plays key role in enhancing drug safety measures
The Federal Food and Drug Administration has committed itself to enhancing drug safety surveillance for patients throughout the country.

Study shows how health IT helps health care industry achieve the triple aim
Many health professionals have adopted electronic health records and other health technology to assist them in reaching the three objectives of the triple aim.

ONC releases updates for certification criteria and health IT safety guide
The ONC recently included a proposed ruling for the health IT certification criteria and updates to the Guide to Privacy and Security of Electronic Health Information.

HIMSS Leadership Survey shows importance of health IT
The results of this year's 26th Annual HIMSS Leadership Survey were issued at the 2015 HIMSS Annual Conference and Exhibition in Chicago to show attendees the impact that health IT is having on the industry.

2015 HIMSS Conference will focus on EHRs and MU
As the health care industry places increasing importance on interoperability and health information exchange, it is not surprising that two of the major topics of discussion during the conference will be EHR adoption and meaningful use requirements.

EHR systems and telehealth devices prove key to patient engagement
Due to the recent push from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to focus more on health information exchange and patient engagement, electronic tools like EHRs have become incredibly important.

ONC strategies aid health care industry with HIE expansion
Providers have recently started working hard to enhance electronic health interoperability and HIE to make the large amounts of health data gathered from patients shareable.

How are EHRs and telehealth revolutionizing the health care industry?
There have been significant changes to patient care as providers adopt new electronic health records and other health IT systems.