ONC study shows increase in HIE across industry
According to a recent study by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, HIE is improving across the industry.

Fighting cybercrime and security threats in healthcare IT
In today's world of technology where cyberattacks are more prominent than ever, all industries are susceptible to security threats.

ONC’s Draft 2016 Advisory works to enhance EHR interoperability
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology has created the Draft Interoperability Standards Advisory to improve the standards for clinical operability.

Technology costs for specialty physician-owned practices on the rise
Operating costs and the technology boom have both led to more spending by physician-owned practices in recent years.

5 common EHR myths debunked
If you are a physician who has yet to replace your paper procedures with more advanced electronic processes made available through EHRs, you should know exactly what EHRs can do for your practice and what to expect in terms of safety and efficiency.

Today’s medical students see EHR interoperability as a top concern
Today's medical students are the future of tomorrow's medicine.

How can your practice benefit from a specialty-specific EHR?
Making the switch from paper records to an electronic health record is no small investment, time-wise or financially.

White House asks providers for feedback on PMI
The White House recently started asking for responses from health professionals throughout both the private and public sectors in regard to feedback on the PMI.

Patient portals enhance patient engagement
Patient portals are key to enabling patients to become more involved with their health.

Orthopedics seen as next big market for EHR adoption
Health IT Interoperability reported that Black Book Rankings has predicted swift growth in orthopedic EHR adoption among practitioners, which is somewhat of a novelty in the field of specialty providers.

Survey shows EHR optimization is major priority for health care CIOs
A new survey by health care consulting firm Impact Advisors highlights the importance of having a top-notch EHR, finding that the majority of the sector's chief information officers are making EHR optimization a top priority over the next year.

4 steps to increase patient engagement with EHRs
One of the most significant benefits of EHR systems is how effective they are at increasing patient engagement.

Integrating medical devices during EHR implementation may be key to smooth process
The University of Arkansas Medical Center introduced both systems into its facility simultaneously, finding that the strategy was extremely effective. This raises the question, should other health professionals consider taking the same route as they install their EHRs?

Survey shows many providers plan to update EHR systems by 2016
A new survey by Black Book Rankings showed that a little under 20 percent of large practices and clinics plan to replace their current EHRs by the end of 2016.

ONC reports industry interoperability progress
Data exchange and EHR interoperability in hospital settings has largely improved thanks to the high rates of EHR implementation across all care settings in the industry.

What is the key to successful EHR implementation?
Researchers from the University of California, San Francisco, looked at how successful practices implemented their EHR systems.

Is health illiteracy among patients getting in the way of enhanced patient engagement?
Providers should take advantage of electronic messaging with their patients to encourage patient engagement within their practices or facilities.

Report shows interoperable EHRs have major benefits on industry
HEALTHeLINK recently conducted a study that found EHR adoption has improved interoperability and resulted in financial benefits across the industry.