Patients call for greater access to EHR systems
With meaningful use fully in the attestation period for stage 2, health care professionals are getting an early look at how comprehensive use of the technology can affect diagnoses and treatments.

Barcode eMAR system cuts down on medication errors
Electronic health record system's true value rests not in their ability to act as repositories for great amounts of patient data, but rather the opportunity they present to physicians who can use that data in innovative ways.

EHR adoption divide grows between primary care physicians and specialists
When the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services began the meaningful use program almost half a decade ago, the hope was that industry-wide adoption and implementation of electronic health record systems would result in a transformed health care landscape.

EHR use growing rapidly at federally funded health care centers
According to a recent study by The Commonwealth Fund, the use of electronic health records at federally funded health centers has increased tremendously over the last five years, growing by 133 percent.

Telehealth program reaches out to veterans with neurological damage
A recent peer-reviewed study published in the journal Telemedicine and e-Health reported that among veterans with chronic neurological disorders living in remote rural locations, telehealth could be key to follow-up care.

Scope of EHR certification could be narrowed following feedback
The day after the Certification Workshop, a public hearing held to gather feedback on the EHR meaningful use certification program, recommendations have been made that could result in huge changes to the program.

Study finds EHRs can improve patient care
Electronic health records are more than just a sign of the times changing and technology following suit: EHRs could be key in improving patient care, especially in emergency situations, according to a recent study published in Health Affairs.

Quality of care and patient privacy rights collide in EHR adoption
Modern Healthcare has reported that a work group assembled by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology's Health IT Policy Committee expects to release recommendations in June regarding how to include behavioral health providers in the industry wide implementation of electronic health records without compromising patient data protected under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.

Meaningful use stage 2 still a struggle for hospitals, doctors
The implementation of meaningful use stage 2 at hospitals got off to a rough start, but a couple of hospitals have attested to meeting the requirements of the federal electronic health record incentive program.

Boston Children’s Hospital targeted by hacker groups
Data breaches of sensitive patient information ostensibly stored in electronic health record systems are a perennial threat to the health care industry.

Google Glass makes accessing EHR information quicker, easier
Meaningful use requirements are generally meant to prompt health care organizations to up their electronic health record system usage, though the program is expanding beyond just that.

FBI says EHR systems will see increased data security threats
Even though the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services is experiencing a degree of executive upheaval, health care professionals should not assume that already established policies on electronic health record systems will change.

Patient access to EHR information key to meaningful use stage 2
Meaningful use requirements are intended to spur health care organizations into implementing their electronic health record systems in new and resourceful ways.

EHR satisfaction growing among physicians
When electronic health record systems first came on the scene at the beginning of meaningful use requirements, physicians and health care administrators were quick to denigrate the technology.

New mobile health, EHR functionalities call medical devices into question
The incredible functionality of mobile health technologies such as smartphone and tablet applications has created new developments within the health care industry.

Leverage patient engagement through better EHR, population management use
Regardless of what technology physicians may use, the ultimate goal for doctors is to improve patient quality of care.

FDA seeks public input on health IT regulation framework
The government mandate of the widespread use of new technologies in health care has frustrated many physicians and other front-line professionals.

40 percent of organizations have no EHR governance in place
Despite the increase in efficiency they affect and the meaningful use incentives they garner, electronic health record systems are not usually well-received when a practice begins the process to implement the technology into its workflow.