CMS releases Road to 10 tools
As many providers have reported being unprepared for ICD-10, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has worked to provide practices and hospitals with the tools to prepare for the new codes and procedures.

5 health IT predictions for 2015
Experts have made a few predictions for the continuing progress of health IT this year based off of the many changes implemented in 2014.

Results from ICD-10 Acknowledgement Testing Week highlight problem areas
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services recently performed an ICD-10 acknowledgement test that showed the areas of the system that are working and others that needed improvement..

ICD-10 implementation deadline receives support
It was announced recently that the House Energy & Commerce and Rules committees - major committees within Congress - voiced their backing of the ICD-10 deadline.

The Exscribe Orthopedic Advantage: One click protocols [VIDEO]
The Exscribe orthopedic electronic health record system is the…

3 ways ICD-10 will improve patient care [VIDEO]
Although most physicians and hospitals have become well-versed on all aspects of ICD-9, it was implemented back in 1979 and simply isn't up-to-date with essential factors like new diseases.

5 ways ICD-10 will improve care
Although most physicians and hospitals have become well-versed on all aspects of ICD-9, it was implemented back in 1979 and is not up to date with essential factors like new diseases.

How should health care organizations recover from the ICD-10 delay?
When the date of the ICD-10 implementation was pushed back to Oct. 1, 2015, last March, many health care organizations felt the heavy impact of the delay.

How to educate physicians on ICD-10
Training providers for ICD-10 will only be effective with a creative approach.

EHRs and mobile devices help build collections of metadata
Electronic health care records and software in combination with mobile devices can provide data about specific populations and help the U.S. provide better social services.

Can a practice adopt ICD-10 in just a couple of weeks?
The government's decision to delay the mandatory adoption of ICD-10 does not mean that small practices should delay implementing the system among their own workforce.

Continuing silence from CMS on ICD-10 delay launches more industry analysis
After ICD-10 was officially delayed due to the particular language of a fast-approved bill earlier this month, many industry professionals expected a quick reaction from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

Health care organizations attempt to move forward amid ICD-10 delay
When the bill containing language that delayed the implementation of ICD-10 was passed earlier this month, many health care organizations believed that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services would immediately issue guidance on how best to proceed with preparation efforts.

Questions abound as Congress passes ICD-10 delay bill
Hospitals and health care providers have been criticizing the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services' approach to the ICD-10 transition for months.

Survey suggests health care providers confident in ICD-10 preparation efforts
More so than meaningful use requirements, the transition to the new system of ICD-10 billing codes has posed numerous headaches for medical professionals concerned about their organizations' preparation for the Oct. 1 deadline.

With hard ICD-10 deadline, physicians should voice concerns with vendors, providers
Over the last few months, health care provider groups such as the American Medical Association and American Hospital Association have doggedly pursued the easing of requirements for meaningful use and ICD-10.

With CMIOs, physicians can put focus back on patient
The health care industry's focus during this year's Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society conference may have fallen on the battle over meaningful use and ICD-10 between the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and various groups, such as the American Medical Association and American Hospital Association.

CMS agrees on end-to-end testing for ICD-10
It was not an easy fight for vocal opponents of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services' testing program for ICD-10, but after several highly publicized letters and charged criticism, the CMS has given way and agreed to exhaustive end-to-end testing of their and providers' systems for the new medical billing processes.