How to simplify your practice and focus on patient care
Patient care can be improved by streamlining workflows.

CMS releases latest 2015 ICD-10 findings
The CMS is celebrating what appears to be a successful roll-out of ICD-10.

EHR market remains strong, enhances focus on patients
The market for electronic health records is expected to remain strong and enhance its focus toward the patient experience.

4 steps to simplify your ICD-10 coding
If you and your staff are experiencing difficulty making the switch, consider taking advantage of a few tools and strategies that can simplify the process and make the ICD-10 codes less of a burden.

CMS tackles isolated issues following ICD-10 implementation
The CMS has encountered a few minor obstacles, some of which include isolated problems with National Coverage Determinations and Local Coverage Determinations.

3 tips for ICD-10 transition after initial implementation
Here are three tips that providers should use to help their practices get back on track or continue their success during the next few months of ICD-10 implementation.

Coalition for ICD-10 finds success with new codes is linked to practice size
A recent report published by the Coalition for ICD-10 suggests that the success practices are seeing while transitioning to the ICD-10 codes is linked to their size.

Patient use of health care technologies on the rise
Throughout all of the advances in health care technology in recent years, industry organizations and leaders have been actively trying to promote patient engagement.

Ready or not, the ICD-10 deadline is here
On the eve of the ICD-10 deadline, healthcare professionals across the country are holding their breath.

4 states receive ICD-10 deadline extension
While almost all 50 states will be making the federally mandated conversion to ICD-10 codes on the official Oct. 1 deadline, four states will not be following suit.

Survey finds 85 percent confidence rate for ICD-10 transition
With less than four weeks remaining until the Oct. 1 deadline, Navicure teamed up with Porter Research to analyze readiness among health professionals in the field.

The steady integration of new ICD-10 tools
For those in the industry who have already begun to make the shift toward ICD-10 codes, there are a plethora of new tools available to be utilized.

CMS’ third ICD-10 testing shows 87 percent success rate
The CMS recently finished its third and final testing period during the week of July 20-24 in preparation for the upcoming deadline. The agency released a report highlighting the successful results.

What effective tools should providers use for ICD-10 preparation?
As the ICD-10 deadline inches closer, it is important that providers are using the resources available to them to ensure that they are well-prepared for the implementation process.

CMS releases updates to ICD-10 flexibilities
The CMS has release an updated version of its ICD-10 flexibilities to eliminate any gray areas.

4 tips for ICD-10 preparation
As the implementation date is only a few months away, providers should have started their preparations to ensure that they avoid any setbacks once Oct. 1 comes.

CMS announces it won’t deny claims for first year of ICD-10 transition
New CMS guidance features a clause that states Medicare will not deny any claims due to minor ICD-10 mistakes for the first year after the implementation date.

How to determine if you are ready for ICD-10 transition
With less than 100 days until the implementation of the ICD-10 coding system, providers are scrambling to ensure that their practices are ready for the major transition.