CEO Ranjan Sachdev’s AI Certification Propels Exscribe into the Future
Exscribe CEO Ranjan Sachdev, MD, MBA, CHC is now certified in Artificial Intelligence: Implications...

The Effects of the Stark Law on Healthcare Administrators
The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS)…

Exscribe Sales Team Achieves Record Growth in 2017
Bethlehem, PA, March 23, 2018 — Exscribe, Inc. a leading provider…

Exscribe Partners with Award-Winning Practice
Bethlehem, PA, June 26, 2017 - Exscribe is proud to partner with…

Top 5 Uses for Your Orthopaedic Practice Web Portal
For your orthopaedic practice, your web portal can open up a…

What Should An Orthopedic Staff Know About Bundled Payments
Orthopedic surgeons don't get into their profession for the…

Exscribe’s New Partnership Supports Cutting-Edge Technology
Exscribe, Inc. has entered a new collaboration with a practice on the front lines of technological innovation.

Improving Efficiency and Your Bottom Line
You've heard the old adage that "necessity is the mother of invention."…

Exscribe Acquires Surgical Revenue Performance Solution Designed To Optimize Financial Performance
In a strategic move to round out its client offerings and further connect its physician customers to the revenue cycle, Exscribe, Inc., acquired the IncisiveTM suite of software that is designed to optimize financial performance and recapture lost revenue opportunities for specialty surgeons.

What Keeps You Awake At Night?
Exscribe Orthopaedic Healthcare Solutions Can Help You Sleep…